Mom Bod Overhall
I am a mom. My body shows the track marks of carrying two babies to term. My weight is not what it once was before these precious gifts from God. It is time to change that, to put myself first for an hour or so a day. My babies are not babies anymore, they are teenagers now, on the cusp of manhood. Where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday that I was holding them in my arms, breathing in their baby smell, watching them sleep. I always put my family first, that is what a wife and stay at home mom does. But it is time that I get healthy and happy with my body again. Don’t get me wrong, my body is amazing, it is a survivor, a fighter and I am immensely proud of that. However, my body has become the “Mom Bod” that I hoped it never would. Dare I say it, I consider myself overweight. I am done with that now. I am doing something about it. In my youth I was a swimmer and waterpolo player. I was athletic, I was happy, and I was thin. I don’t want to be...